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Best Car Covers for Snow and Ice

By John Funk, December 15, 2020

Winter can be harsh. And without the proper protection, your car can incur various damages resulting from prolonged exposure to severe weather conditions, especially if you don’t keep it in a garage, car port, or other covered area. How can snow, ice, and extremely low temperatures damage your car? Here are some of the most common problems car owners experience during the winter.

  • Hardening of belts, hoses, and other rubber parts
  • Fluid problems
  • Dead batteries
  • Underinflated tires
  • Frozen gas lines
  • Corrosion resulting from constant exposure to road salt
  • Paint damage

Thankfully, you can avoid these problems by taking the necessary safety precautions and by using a suitable car cover for snow.

Why Should You Use a Car Cover for Snow and Ice?

Snow and ice can be a serious threat to your car, since they can ruin the car’s exterior finish, especially if there are flaws in your paintwork or it has been previously cracked or chipped. The problem starts as the snow on the car surface starts to melt, causing moisture to settle under the topmost paint layer. Since moisture expands as the temperature drops, the paint will eventually lift away from the underlying surface (resulting in paint blisters or bubbles) and peel off.

Constant exposure to road salt further complicates matters, since it may cause the car’s metal components to rust.

To reduce the risk of damaging your paintwork and ending up with an expensive repair bill, consider using a car winter cover for snow. Here’s how it can help.

  • It provides substantial protection against the elements. A high-quality car cover for snow not only keeps snow and ice from accumulating on the surface of your car, but also prevents moisture from penetrating through the cracks in your paintwork.
  • It reduces the damaging effects of frost. Without proper protection, your car can be vulnerable to the damaging effects of temperature fluctuations. This condition encourages the formation of frost which can mess up your car’s interior, drain your car’s battery, cause fluid problems, and ruin your car’s rubber parts. Car covers can help prevent frost and ice from forming on your car's windows and mirrors, making it easier to start your day in cold weather. An effective car cover can keep the interior of your vehicle warmer and reduce the formation of frost on the inside of your windows.
  • It prevents dents, dings, and scratches. Your car is susceptible to sustaining various damages, especially if parked outdoors. To avoid incurring expensive repair bills and saving yourself from all that trouble, consider using the best car cover for snow that you can afford.
  • It protects your windshield. Removing frozen snow from your windshield can leave unsightly scratches, so you’ll need something to protect it during winter.
  • It protects against theft and vandalism. The best car cover for snow and rain serves as an excellent vehicle theft deterrent. Why would someone try to steal your car if they have to go through all the trouble of taking the cover off? It would be too risky, even for seasoned crooks! A car cover also provides ample protection against vandals, so you’ll have one less thing to worry about.
  • It reduces the need for de-icing. By keeping snow and ice off your car's exterior, a car cover can minimize the need for scraping and de-icing, which can be time-consuming and potentially damaging to your vehicle's finish.
  • It protects the paint and finish. Snow and ice can be abrasive and cause damage to your car's paint and finish. A car cover provides a protective layer, reducing the risk of scratches and abrasions.
  • It provides protection against salt and chemicals. In regions where road salt and de-icing chemicals are used, a car cover can provide a protective barrier, reducing the potential for corrosion and damage to your car's undercarriage.
  • It saves time and effort. Using a car cover can save you time and effort on cold winter mornings. You won't have to spend as much time clearing snow and ice from your vehicle, allowing you to get on the road more quickly.
  • It extends longevity. Regularly exposing your car to harsh winter conditions without protection can lead to premature wear and tear. Using a car cover can help extend the longevity of your vehicle.

When using a car cover in snowy and icy conditions, it's important to choose one specifically designed for winter use and ensure that it fits your vehicle properly. Also, make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for installation and care to maximize the cover's effectiveness and protect your vehicle during the winter months.

What Makes a Great Car Cover for Snow?

Not all car covers are created equal. Some do an excellent job, while some will fall short of your expectations. With that in mind, here are some features that you should consider when shopping for the best outdoor car cover for snow.

  • Multi-layered. A high-quality cover for car snow is made up of at least three layers. Having more layers means better protection, so don’t go for anything with less than three layers. Ideally, the cover should have a tough outer layer for extra protection and durability, a water-resistant, padded middle layer that can soften the effects of bumps and blows, and a soft, non-abrasive inner lining that can protect the car’s exterior finish against scratches. Look for a cover that is made of high-quality polyester material so you can be sure that it can effectively resist rain, snow, and ice.
  • Water-resistant yet breathable. While the best car cover for snow and ice should effectively block moisture from reaching the car’s exterior finish, it shouldn’t trap moisture inside it, or corrosion will set in. This will also prevent the buildup of mold and mildew underneath the cover. Look for materials with a high water-resistant rating to ensure that snow and moisture do not penetrate the cover.
  • Provides a snug fit. The best car cover for heavy snow should fit snugly onto your car. Covers that are too small or too big for your car won’t provide the protection it needs. They may even cause more damage. Unfortunately, some car owners tend to buy universal-fit covers that are too big for their vehicles, thinking that they would do the job. Well, guess what? They don’t. In fact, these flimsy, ill-fitting covers may even leave ugly scratches as the loose fabric whips on the car’s exterior finish. If you want full protection at a price you can afford, go for a Seal-Fit car cover. It can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make for your car’s health. Look for covers with elastic hems, tie-down straps, and buckles to ensure a secure fit that won't easily blow away in strong winds.

Before purchasing a car cover for snow, it's essential to measure your vehicle and consider your specific needs, such as the climate in your area and whether you need to protect your car from other winter elements like salt and chemicals used on roads. Additionally, read reviews and check manufacturer recommendations to ensure you're choosing a high-quality, effective snow car cover for your vehicle.

Caring for Your Car’s Exterior Finish during the Winter Months

  • Wash it regularly. Constant exposure to road salt hastens the corrosion process and may cause serious damage to the car’s exterior. Don’t let this happen. Wash your car regularly, especially after a snowstorm, to remove all traces of road salt.
  • Don’t skip waxing. Some car owners neglect car care during the winter without knowing that this may lead to disastrous results. Wax adds an extra layer of protection by creating a barrier between the exterior finish and the environment, thereby preventing snow, ice, and salt from damaging your car. Winter wax can protect your car's paint from road salt and de-icing chemicals. For best results, apply wax before the first snow and throw in a quick wax from time to time as weather allows.
  • Apply a paint protection film. Don’t let dirt, gravel, and salt ruin your car’s paintwork. To prevent further damage, apply a suitable paint protection film, particularly on areas where the paint has been scratched, nicked, or chipped.
  • Touch up your paint. Corrosion typically starts where the paint has been chipped, cracked, or scratched so have it fixed immediately. Don’t wait too long or it may be too late to reverse the damage.
  • Change the oil. Consider switching to a lower-viscosity oil for the winter months. Thinner oil flows more easily in cold weather and provides better lubrication during startup.
  • Verify that antifreeze and coolant levels are correct. Make sure your vehicle's cooling system has the right level of antifreeze and coolant to prevent freezing. Consult your owner's manual for the recommended ratio.
  • Cover it up. If you don’t have a garage, at least park your car in the driveway and use a high-quality car cover for snow and ice to protect it from the elements.

By following these winter car care tips, you can help ensure that your vehicle performs well and that you stay safe during the colder months. Regular maintenance and cautious driving are key to avoiding winter-related problems and accidents.

Winter Car Care Tips and Other Useful Car Hacks

  • Use a windshield snow cover. To say that most car owners don’t enjoy removing ice and snow from their windshield would be a grave understatement. Thankfully, you can avoid this problem by using a high-quality, water-resistant windshield snow cover. For best results, choose one that is made with high-grade polyester material and stays securely fastened even during stormy weather. If you don’t have one, you can also use a regular bath towel to keep ice off your windshield.
  • Keep an ice scraper and snow brush. Weather reports aren’t always accurate, so it’s a good thing to keep a sturdy ice scraper and snow brush in your car as the cold weather starts. You’ll need something to clear away the snow in your windshield in case the snow falls heavily while you’re driving, or else you might just end up driving with your head out in the window.
  • Use kitty litter to keep moisture out. It is impossible to keep your car dry during a snowstorm, right? If you’re nodding your head in agreement, you haven’t tried keeping kitty litter in your car yet. There’s something about kitty litter that keeps moisture out of your car, even in the toughest and coldest winter condition. Simply fill an old sock or stocking with kitty litter (preferably one made from silica crystals) and put it on your dashboard to quickly defog the windshield. You can also put it under the car seat to defog the windows. Sounds too good to be true? Try it next time and see how it works!
  • Apply shaving cream to windows. It may sound strange, but shaving creams can effectively keep fog off your windows. Just apply it inside your car windows, wipe it off, and see the difference it makes.
  • Use everyday items to de-ice locks. In case of frozen locks, heat your car key with a match or lighter, or use a drinking straw to blow onto the lock. You can also apply a small amount of hand sanitizer to the key or door handle to melt the ice.

Get the Best Car Cover for Snow at Seal Skin Covers

Protect your car from harsh winter conditions. At Seal Skin Covers, you’ll find the best outdoor car covers for snow at a great price. Our Seal-Fit covers are made of the highest quality materials and are virtually free from any defects. They are also 100% waterproof yet extremely breathable and are expected to last for years to come.

By choosing Seal Skin Covers, you’ll definitely get more value for your money. We’re extremely confident that you’ll love our products so we’re offering a full 30-day return and exchange warranty with every purchase, at no additional cost.

If you’re interested in making a purchase but would like to know more about our products, exchange, and refund policies, please call us at 800-915-0038 during our office hours (Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST) and we’ll answer all your questions. We will help you find the right cover for your car. You have our word for it.

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